100 Things is Now 88 Things
About a year and a half ago, I decided to make a list of 100 Things I wanted to do during my lifetime. The idea was mercilessly copied from Mighty Girl, but still, it felt pretty amazing to sit down and pen a list of things I wanted to do, regardless of whether or not these ideas were based in reality.
Since then, I’ve been plugging away at the list as I have time, and so far I’ve checked twelve items off said list. I know, right? TWELVE! Someone call the Pope, there is a saint over here!
Yeah, so I had hoped I’d have more then twelve done by now, but it is what it is, and twelve ain’t that bad. This year in particular, I’ve done the following:
No. 55 – Go see a Broadway Play: Now this one is a bit fuzzy, since when I originally wrote the list, I meant see a play on Broadway…but apparently that’s not what I actually added to the list. So when the Broadway touring company of Wicked came to Kansas City in November, I decided it counted. Trent and I went on our fourth wedding anniversary, and although I thought he might fall asleep during the show (could someone please inform my husband that sleeping at night is imperative, to, you know, living?!), we had an amazing time. And now Lucy’s very favorite song on my iPhone is “Popular,” which is requested almost daily during our drive to school. Hearing a three-year-old sing along to “Popular” should totally be on your to-do list. Hi-lar-i-ous.
No. 58 – Cook every night for a week: 2009 was the year of the chef for the Peters family, as I finally now have a kitchen that isn’t the size of a submarine galley, making daily meals a much easier task. In June I cooked every day for seven days and it was glorious. Some family favorites? Chicken enchiladas ala Trent’s mom’s secret recipe and the Pioneer Woman’s lasagna.

No. 77 – Have a girls vacation with friends: In April of 2009, I packed up my car with an IKEA shopping list and a very grumpy Mara (and her Lady Gaga CD’s) and headed to Dallas to see my lovely friend Abbie. We tried on silly hats, made fun of Abb’s fascination with the jumpsuit, drank massive amounts of bourbon (me…not them), created the best group to ever play the game Rock Band and saw Miss B. Spears in concert. I also inherited a new nickname, Old Balls Black Bear. I know, it doesn’t make sense to me either.

No. 11 – Give a stranger $100 on Christmas Eve: This is one of those items on my list that I think is going to become a yearly tradition in my family. Lu and I took a $100 bill, and after getting some advice via Facebook on where to go to distribute it, we headed out to the Salvation Army Thrift Store. We browsed for a while before Lu tugged on my coat and whispered, “There she is! A nice lady!” We walked up to a woman who had kids clothes in her arms, handed her the $100 bill and said Merry Christmas. I will admit, it was a little awkward, but we just decided to smile and walk out of the store, instead of waiting for her reaction. Felt more anonymous that way. I must say, it was a great way to end the year.

Now, as for 2010, I’m honing in on a few items I’d like to cross of my list:
No. 7 – Learn to snowboard: It’s the coldest winter on record, so why not?
No. 8 – Blog everyday for a month: Easier said than done.
No. 12 – Go on a honeymoon: We always said we’d go for our 5-year anniversary…which is this year!
No. 22 – Spend a day at a spa: See No. 12
No. 28 – Take Lu ice skating: Already planning this one.
No. 40 – Take a university level design or photography class: I’m starting to feel inspired again….
What are your 2010 goals? Anything I should add to my list? Want to offer me a trip to India so I can ride an elephant (No. 82 + No. 83)? Want to plan a roadtrip to Chicago to see Oprah (No. 18)? Want me to shut up now?