Yes. Absolutely.

Taken at the Kansas City Obama rally, October 2008
Photo by Brooklyn, via Flickr
I’m sure everyone is expecting some big-time, asshat liberal post about what is to happen later today.
In part, you are right.
Mostly, I just wanted to answer a well-loved critic, who has said to me, on several occasions, “What do you really think is going to change? How will he change anything? Change is a slogan, not a reality.”
To that person, I say this:
– Today, I become the sort of person who has the President’s photo as my desktop wallpaper
– Today, I finally have a President who knows how to pronounce the word “nuclear”
– Today, I know that much of the world is rooting for my president
– Today, I could go on a European roadtrip and not have to fight with French tourists who assume I’m for the Iraq War because I’m American
– Today, I don’t have to joke-ingly threaten a move to Canada
– Today, no one can say I’m against the troops because I don’t agree with my president
– Today, my daughter can retire the “I’m Already Smarter Than The President” t-shirt
– Today, I can tell everyone that my husband and I served our country yesterday
– Today, I am throwing a first-ever Inaguration Drinkfest
– Today, I am looking forward to a presidential speech
– Today, I won’t feel like such an outsider because I don’t agree with the majority
– Today, my views are actually being acted upon in the highest government office, instead of completely ignored
For me, this is a very big change. I turned 18 years old in the Fall of 2000. I have never known an inaguration that didn’t make me want to cry sad tears.
The happy ones I will shed today? Big change.

Photo by Breslow, via Flickr

Well put! I’ll see you in a little while to start our celebration!!