Working on My Self-Esteem
As everyone probably has figured out by now, I have re-entered corporate America. Yeah for spreadsheets! And fighting with assistants over the cost of a $4 pair of scissors! And carpal tunnel! Whopee!
Actually, the new job isn’t that bad, borderline fun, and, so far, the people I work with seem to be fairly normal and friendly. Very unlike the last job with the crazy cat people and the co-workers who didn’t feel the need to wear undergarmets or shower. And all of the yelling. And the 4 a.m. phone calls. But I digress.
The last few weeks I spent alot of time in orientations and meetings, attempting to figure out how I fit into an already-established infrastructure. I’ve also had to relearn about a million usernames and passwords. But there is one username that I use to login to several programs. This user name was created before I even arrived on site and it’s the first four letters of your first name and the first two letters of your last.
And it’s all in caps. I originally read it as MEGA-PE (as in pee pee in the potty), but last night Trent pointed out that it really said MEG APE.

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