Why hello there!
Hi! How are you? Good? Great. Well, I’ve been a tad busy lately, if you haven’t been able to tell. Definitely too busy to write a post on this here website, it seems. It also may have something to do with the fact that I golfed yesterday and now I can’t lift my arms. Or turn my neck. I have problems, people!
So since this post has no rhyme or reason anyway, I have a few announcements. First, see that little You Tube video in the upper left hand corner of the page? Well, that’s my new Song of the Moment feature. I noticed I’d been putting together quite a few playlists around here, so I decided to share one song a week that you may not have heard of, but that I’m in love with (don’t tell my husband). The current song is due to be changed today or tomorrow, so enjoy it while you can! It’s a group called First Aid Kit (they’re flipping teenagers and they can sing like that!) doing a cover of the Fleet Foxes’ Tiger Mountain Peasant Song. I found them via a new blog I’ve been reading, A Cup of Tea and a Wheat Penny. You should read it too, it’s lovely. And it’s not really new, it’s been around longer then this blog, but it’s new to me and I likey.
Sidenote: Do you guys ever click the links? Because you should. I don’t put them on here for nothing, and if they made the cut, it’s for a good reason. Like they’re awesome. That is all.
Oh, and check out this sweet photo of my friend Hayley and her husband Jeff, who is much more sarcastic than this image conveys. I took some maternity photos for them and have not edited one…except for this one…so here you go.

Hmmm….here is a funny video from the Daily Show. Democratic tailgating? You know where I’ll be on November 4th….
Sidenote: Even my republican friends will find this funny. I swear, it’s safe and hilarious for all. Amen.
OK, my ADD self is done now. We’ll be back to your regularly scheduled programming tomorrow. Hopefully.

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