Who needs $700 billion?
Gotcha! You thought this was going to be some big political post, didn’t you? Oh, I love fooling you crazy kids.
Nope, this isn’t a political tirade, because honestly, I think we’re all sick of that crap. Instead of just whining about how the world is going to hell in a handbasket, let’s do something about it! Are you motivated yet? Good, let’s get started.
I am participating in a program called the Blogger’s Challenge 2008. Now, I know this may surprise you, but I only have a few readers. Hey, stop laughing! OK, maybe a few is pushing it, but I know that the few of you that do read this site are very social, wonderful, outgoing people who would do anything to help a friend in need. The Blogger’s Challenge is being put on by Donors Choose, an organization that pairs schools in need with willing donors. If you go to my Donors Choose page, you will find six Kansas City schools in need of a little mojo. The sad state of our urban KC schools is a big reason the fam and I are moving to the suburbs, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try and fix the problem. Also, if the schools get better maybe I can move back to Brookside!
Please, please, please, pretty please visit my Donors Choose page and lets show the world that Crazybananas readers are some of the greatest in the blogosphere. Geez, I just said blogosphere, didn’t I? Crap. Anywho, I’ll look like quite the idiot if no one donates on my page, so even $5 would make a HUGE difference, especially to the wonderful KC kids you’ll be helping. Maybe I’ll even do some sort of special giveaway on the site if we make our goal.
What are you waiting for? Go!
And also, feel free to foward this post on to your friends and families and crazy Aunt Amy up in Oregon who never leaves her house and has 20 cats. I’m sure they’d all love to help out.
Don’t forget, all donations are tax deductable!

Someone else better donate or I’m taking down the site!