What is Making Me Happy Today
The Diet Dr. Pepper I finally splurged on and drank this morning, after over 7 days with no caffiene. I’m still doing okay with the no alcohol part, but, damnit, I needed a pick me up this morning. So worth it.
The Sometime Sunshine mix from the website Kitsune Noir. I found this site via Kirtsy yesterday and downloaded three of his “mixtapes” immediately. So far, I can’t stop smiling.
When Lu woke up this morning and we were getting ready for school, she turned to me and gasped, “Oh Mommy, you cute!”
I have worked out three days in a row, and now the giant hill doesn’t seem so giant.
Nicole is pregnant!!!
I get to see my Not-So-Pregnant friend Abbie today, even if it is just for a minute.
I crossed something off my 100 Things List this morning…#50 – Reconnect with an old friend. After a year or two of relative silence, I finally got a hold of my best friend from Italy. And getting her message immediately flashed me back to that day walking through the duomo square in Florence, in the rain, when two Italian guys in full suits ran past us. The skated to a stop on the wet, cobblestone street and said, “Mio Dio. Que Bellissima!” [Translation: My God. So beautiful!] Then they ran off. I want Lu to know that story someday.
My review at work went as wonderfully as I could have ever expected. They like me, they really like me.
My brother’s house (he lives on the Mississippi) is currently safe from flood waters and looks that it will stay that way.
After much pshaawing and complaining about how he just wanted Velveeta, Trent loved the dinner I made last night. AAANNDDD, he actually ate his words and told me so. My new subscription to Rachael Ray Every Day Magazine may be actually paying off.
These pictures from Theresa’s NYC wedding…
What is making you happy today?

A cleanse? That sounds awful. However, the RR meal looks delicious. I may have to ry that one soon. 🙂
Cleansing, eh? Dooce copycat! 🙂 I’ve thought about doing it too – let me know how it goes!
Not a total Dooce copycat, and I actually started last week. I’m only cutting out caffiene and alcohol and only for a week or so. Just wanted to see how it made me feel…
So you decided to be a mormon for a week. Ha ha, awesome. If that’s a cleanse man I should be pretty squeaky clean. 🙂
PS (Trent don’t read this) So far being pregnant this time is a lot easier. I’m way too busy to dwell on the yucky nausea, I found sea bands are my miracle cure, but I also wasn’t as sick as I was with Haven, and knowing what to expect or what’s next makes it easier to endure as well. So far. Check back with me in the fall.