Unstyled : La Croixs Over Boys
If you’ve met me, you probably have noticed I don’t go anywhere without a can of La Croix sparkling water in hand. It’s ridiculous, honestly. At this very moment there are six cases of La Croix in my garage. SIX. The other day a few Amazon Prime Pantry boxes showed up on my doorstep, and it turns out Trent had ordered a few cases so we’d have some on hand to avoid my freak outs that tend to happen when we run out. (You don’t want to be close by when I realize there is no more La Croix in the fridge…it’s not a pretty sight!) But it turns out great minds think alike, because I had purchased some emergency La Croix that same day, so now we look like we are stockpiling fizzy water for the apocalypse. Which, let’s face it, when the world ends I probably will have a can of La Croix in my hand.
Along with being a lover of La Croix, I am also a girl who likes her t-shirts. I have a glorious t-shirt pile in my closet, and I tend to pick up new ones all the time to mix in with my wardrobe. I have nerdy t-shirts, concert t-shirts, t-shirts with ironic sayings, vintage sports t-shirts and so much more. I love soft, comfy tees paired with every thing from a breezy skirt to a good pair of jeans, and now that I work from home and my profession does not require “business casual” dress (you guys, business casual is THE WORST) I find myself pulling my t-shirts out more and more often. So I was super stoked when the awesome brand La Croixs Over Boys sent over one of their amazing tees for me! I mean, could there BE a better melding of my worlds?!
I paired the OG White Tee with high waisted jeans from Madewell, Frye booties and this great hat I picked up at H&M last year. This is the sort of look I would put together for a concert or fun night out with my girlfriends. It’s comfy, a little undone, but edgy. And yes, I brought a prop La Croix for this little shoot…and then I drank it. LIKE A BOSS.
This product was provided by La Croixs Over Boys, but all opinions are my own….
Photos by Kymberly Rubio

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