Twins, and attempting to use new software
This is nothing but a post so I can attempt to figure out my new publishing software. I know, you were hoping for some snarky commentary or an in-depth conversation about zac efron (trust me, it’s coming, my boy crush *swoon*), but for now, here is a picture of my kid with my babysitter’s kid. People think they’re twins because they both have the same hair color and blue eyes. Except since my child feels the need to rip out her hair in some sort of rebelious coup against the “man,” she’s balding a bit.
Here they are eating crackers:
And here is Lucy stealing other kids’ toys:
Such a little theif. Notice how the other babies are just looking at the moms like, um, excuse me, this BIATCH is taking my toy!
OK, that first picture is massive, some tweaking needs to occur. Fear not, loyal readers! I’m working on it. I am! I swear! Just not this second.
UPDATE: After a slight technological glitch and some firm banging on my computer with a large mallet, things seem to look OK. Let me know if you notice any other strange goings-on.

Okay, so I Googled zac efron, because I had no idea who he was…..You have a crush on a boy from High School Musical?? How is that even possible? Isn’t he like 12 or something?
He is hot. And 19. And hot.