There She Goes, Crusading Again
Throughout all of the celebrating and excitment of last week’s election, there were a few dark spots that kept me from breaking out the bottle of Asti (yes, I buy wine in a box and champagne for $4.99, sue me). A few states felt the need to take away a civil right from a group of Americans. A percentage of people in Arizona, California and Florida decided that their religious beliefs should be slammed down the throats of their fellow residents. A majority in Arkansas decided that if you were in love with someone of the same sex, then you aren’t allowed to adolpt a child. Hell, those unadopted children can just rot in the corrupted welfare and foster care system, right? At least they won’t be raised by two people who love each other and want a family. These voters decided to be judge and jury, telling people in love that they are not allowed the same rights as every other American. And wow, it really killed my post-election buzz.
For all people, conservative and liberal, religious or not, gay or straight, I think what happened last week in regards to these unconstitutional ballot measures is downright sickening. My heart goes out to all of those who lost their rights last week.
Doesn’t that sentence make you want to vomit. Those who “lost their rights.” Disgusting.
I can’t wait for when my daughter is 26-years-old and she asks me what it was like to live “back then.” Back when people felt they had the right to push their religious beliefs on their fellow countrymen and women. When bigotry and injustice took away peoples’ civil rights. It will be like when I talk to my father about the civil rights movement of the 1960s. How I cannot even fathom it. She will never be able to understand how it happened.
I can only hope this sad time will be so far in our past, it’s unfathomable to her as well.
You should read:
Olberman: Gay Marriage is a Question of Love
Your Days are None the Better for What You Have Done
NY Times: Anit-Gay, Anti-Family

I may be an economic conservative, but I am a social liberal who completely agrees with you, dude. These children need a family, period. No matter what form that family comes in it is surely better than being bounced around in the system from one home to another with no chance of stability or a real attachment to a caregiver who tells them they are just wonderful and loved. Love is love, gender and sex be damned. *end rant*