The Political Post
Since no one reads blogs on Fridays anyway, I figured it’s the perfect day for me to spew some political talk.
And when I say spew, I mean talk about something I know very little about….soooooo, let’s keep in mind that these are MY opinions. And as this is MY (except when Lu gets a hold of the laptop) blog, I can say whatever I want. Poop! Pee pee! Supercalifrageloustiexpealidocious! See, anything I want.
In short, I voted in a primary this year, as I do every election. I voted for someone who I really, really thought could change this country. Someone who had what it takes to bring us back to the great America we were before we started wars by lying and went into an economic crisis. Some who focused on (EGADS!) healthcare for all people. And (HOLY MOLY!) equal rights. Someone who had a plan for the American people.
Unfortunately that someone had a husband with a wandering weiner, so a lot of people didn’t like her. (Sidenote: How many people have said, “I’m not voting for McCain because I don’t agree with his wife”? Or, “Michelle Obama will ruin this country” when her husband is the one running for president? Just asking…).
Well, sadly, my candidate will not be running for president in November. But contrary to pundits on Fox News, I do not think my party is so divided. In truth, I loved both democratic candidates, I just felt Hilary had a bit better of a plan than Barak. And I’m all about planning. But Mr. Obama can inspire like nobody’s business, and after I heard his speech following the New Hamshire primary, I almost checked the Obama box when I voted.
Lord, that guy can make you proud to be an American. And also, can apparently write a catchy tune.
So, I’m throwing my support whole-heartedly behind Barak Obama. Because along with the fact that he can deliver quite the speech and has policy ideas to move America forward here at home and internationally instead of continuing to separate us from the rest of the world, he also has a wife that gives him a fist pound when he does something good. I mean, could he BE any more badass?
This officially ends my political rambling.

Yay for political posts and you should see Hillary’s speech from Sat. if you have not!