The Official End to My Youth
No, it didn’t happen when the baby was born. It will end, ceremoniously, next week. Thursday, to be exact. The show that gave us Chrismakah, Adam Brody, Rachel Bilson and that spawned Laguna Beach (therefore spawning the best reality show The Hills) is ending. How I will miss the Cohen’s and the fighting by the pool and the incest and the comic book inuendo.
Sidenote: This show even named my old dog, Cali. The theme song was one of Trent and I’s favorite songs back before the show aired. When we heard it we decided we were going to move to California and live out the dream. The plan was amended, but we did decide to name our dog Cali. Of course, then she got hit by a car….ok, bad story.

Bwa ha ha! I shall be young forever since they play “Full House” every afternoon! Bwa ha ha ha!
I totally forgot that The OC was ending! Some weekend we’ll have to have a marathon! I own the first two seasons and I’m sure after it’s canceled the last season and a half will go on sale. How saw : (
How sad, not saw….dammit!