As I do most holiday weeks, I’m taking this week off from the blog to focus on digesting turkey and pie and hanging out with the family. Even though we swore there was no way we were going to travel after last year’s holiday world tour, we broke down again and decided the hell of plane rides with the toddler are worth it to see our wonderful families. We love them. Trust me, if you’ve ever seen Lu on an airplane, you’d realize just how much we love them. Lordy.
And now, to send you off for a horrid seven days without my constant, nagging commentary, a few things I’m thankful for this year:
1. I’m thankful I had this weekend at home, alone with Lu. We needed it after almost three months of constant activity and major life adjustments. Lu has officially mastered snuggling, and damn, it is sweet.
2. I’m thankful I completed my Christmas Gift Exchange letters, as I was afraid they’d eat me alive. Note to self: When husband volunteers you as organizer for his extended family’s gift exchange, punch him in the nose.
3. I’m thankful I decided to do Thanksgiving cards instead of Christmas cards this year. I put them in the mail today and I shall never think about them again.

4. I am thankful for MOO, where I got some great little change of address cards to stick in with my Thanksgiving cards. They were the only way I could send photos of myself with a mustache on to my family members who refuse to use computers. Happy holidays!
5. I am thankful for all of my friends, especially (in no particular order)
Mara – for obsessing over silly things with me
Hayley – for joining the baby mama club last week
Abbie – for fart jokes
Theresa – for being a hipster
Amber – for her eye rolling
Lane – for laughing her ass off during Twilight and buying me beers afterward to soften the blow of the awfulness of that movie
Nicole – for moving to KC next May
Inger – for buying me things from IKEA and then shipping them to me, you are effing awesome!
Mikayla – for being so sweet, and taking care of Lucy all the time so I can regain some sanity, I owe you many boxes of wine
6. I am thankful for the soundtrack to the new Twilight movie, which is helping me forget how awful the movie was. Trust me, it’s horrid. Don’t go see it, just enjoy the books and stay away from the movie theater.
But if you must go, invite me to come with you, because I want to give it a second chance. Because I may have just thought it was so bad due to the screaming teenagers in the theater with me. And the fact that vampire movies, let’s face it, are cheesy. Vampire books, on the other hand, are sexy. Right? Crap, I don’t know…
Anyway, I’ll burn you a copy of the soundtrack, because it’s pretty rad, and it will ease the pain of hearing “Edward” overact and watching “Jasper” do his Zoolander impression throughout the entire two hours. Honestly, the music in the movie was wonderful, now if only the actors would stop talking!!!
See what I mean?
7. I’m thankful for my family (both in and out-laws). Without them, I’d never be where I am. Not even close.
8. I’m thankful I somehow ended up in a place in my life where I could afford to buy a home for my family. And that my dog has a whole, huge backyard to poop in.
9. I’m thankful for these two monkeys:

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

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