Someone in this room needs a Nyquil IV drip

5 Things That Are Annoying Me Today
1. My nasal voice and the throbbing above my eyes (f’ing colds and their f’ing mucus).
2. The fact that every pregnant person I know is having a boy so I have no reason to buy this (any takers?).
3. The fact that Glee is over until April.
4. Facebook…it bugs me. I don’t like it anymore. But I’ve been told it’s “social suicide” to quit.
5. The four proposals I have due at work, which means I probably won’t be able to take any extra time off for the holidays.

5 Things That Are Cheering Me Up, Despite My Best Efforts to Stay Crabby
1. The new season of Chuck is quickly approaching and it’s supposed to be awesome!
2. This video of Glee’s Mark Salling serenading his cast and crew. Half the reason I love this show is that it’s actors seem so down to earth and genuinely appreciative of their success. Check it:

3. The fact that my boss just “punted” a proposal because I don’t have time to do it. Yay for deadlines that no longer exist!
4. I finished my Christmas shopping!
5. NYC + KC is still going strong….over 300 days completed, I’m as amazed as you are!

Day Two Hundred and Fifty Five

Day Two Hundred and Eighty Three

Day Two Hundred and Sixty Five

Now, can somebody please bring me a cookie and some hot tea? And a personal assistant? And a full sized cutout of Edward Cullen? Please and thank you.

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2 replies
  1. kt
    kt says:

    The Glee clip was awesome! I love the show even more now!! Sorry you are sick : ( I would have brought you a cookie and hot tea, but the E. Cullen cutout is just kinda creepy. Do you see his facial expression?


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