Some News
I almost didn’t write this post, but I figured you are my people and you need to know what’s going on in my life. Or maybe I’m just really self-indulgent. Either way, it is absolutely true that I cannot keep secrets. Never could. I just start giggling and smiling and acting like a complete loon. So, my dear readers, I have some news for you.
Yup, it’s the Bean 2.0.
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You are NOT funny!!
Yes I am.
Oh dear lord – I just about had a fit. You totally got me, dork!! 🙂
OK, looking at the pic some more, I think I can see where some of the “info” at the top has been modified… But dang you still got me.
That’s classic!
Not funny for two reasons:
#1 You would have not told me first. AGAIN!
#2 Let Abbie get all unpregnant so that we can drink together before you start popping more out, I need drinking buddies!!!
You are a CRAZY trickster! I totally fell for it. 🙂
I am funny for two reasons:
2. I do not want to be pregnant. I too enjoy drinking and would miss it terribly.
Don’t worry Mara, I shant leave you!
Boo! I saw your post on Mara’s FC wall and was like what ‘Fake Fetus’ and now I read this…
I like how the date was even changed on the sonogram