Sicko (and vacation pictures)
Just now, in my office….
Boss Man: Hey, how are you doing today?! [Happy and excited because we won a project and he was delivering the news.]
Me: Awesome. [Cough, hack, wheeze, sneeze, sniff…groan.]
Boss Man: Eeeee….
Me: What? Don’t I sound awesome?
Boss Man: Yeah. I’m just gonna stand over here. [As far away from me as physically possible while still being in my office.]
Have you seen these pictures yet, from my family beach vacaton to South Carolina? You should. In fact, I’ll just put them right here. You’re welcome.
I know I’ve mentioned it a bazillion times, but I thank my lucky stars on a daily basis for Trent’s family. They are just so lovely and giving and everything a family should be and more. This trip was a perfect break for Trent, Lu and I, and as per usual, his family made everything fun and easy for us. I could go on, but I won’t bore you with details. Suffice to say, although I feel like absolute crap-ola right now, I would take a summer cold (in a pregnant, can’t take Nyquil body) a hundred times over for another week at the beach with these people.

Sick and pregnant is the worst kind of sick… Poor babe!