Rant, rant, rant
I’ve been dreading this day for several weeks. Today I had to go to the evil hell known as the dentist. I don’t think I can describe in mere words how much I HATE going to the dentist. I’ve started this ongoing cycle where I go to the dentist, they tell me I have a bunch of crap wrong with my teeth, I have a horrific experience getting everything fixed, then I don’t go back for a year or two out of fear. By the time I go back, there’s even more wrong with my teeth and the process starts all over.
I’ve hated the dentist since I can remember. My parents never really took me when I was younger, and the first time I went was just terrible. I was ten and then dumb-ass’ arm slipped drilling down my gums. Yeah, after that I was prety much NEVER going to the damn dentist again.
But today, after much annoying prodding (ahem, nagging) by my husband, I finally went under the drill again. And now my mouth is swollen and I am grumpy and drugged up enough that I am actually watching the new Real World/Road Rules challenge on MTV.
I need a bottle of wine and mashed potatoes. So if anyone has those on hand, please send them on over.

I feel your dentist hate, I went in for a third time and the power went out, just on that block. So they drugged me up so the entire left side of my mouth was numb until 7o’clock that night and guess when the power came back on, oh about 5 minutes after the shot. The left side of my mouth is still uber-sensitive and I am on your side about the dentist. I may make a facebook group about it, would you join!?! : )
Sorry this is a little late but I would love to join an anti-dentist group.
I think I take the cake on the root canal I had on Friday. This is of course after an earlier episode this month of severe pain resulting in a dead tooth and lots of puss (and good drugs).
Which is why I couldn’t go back until Friday to complete the root canal.
Coming from a girl who never had a cavety or ANYTHING until last year. Its a conspiracy!