Randomness Tuesday: The Afghan Frey
A few weeks back, I was sitting in my father-in-law’s gianty, comfy chair reading through all of his back issues of National Geographic, when I came upon the following:

Now, this may not seem significant to some of you, but I was stunned. Because staring back at me was a face I recognized. Now obviously, I don’t know this little Afghan girl, but she looked so familiar to me.

Yes, she definitely looked like my friend, Theresa, and her family. In fact, she reminded me so much of Theresa’s sister, Mandy, I almost thought they accidentally left her in Afghanistan when they lived there a few years back. Need further proof?

Of course now Mandy has pink and blond hair that no one could ever pull off except her (damn you, Mandy!), but when her hair was dark, I think the resemblence is pretty darn close, don’t you?

Our Afghan sista!
Hahaha! This is funny!! You could probably pull the pinkness off too, and wouldn’t have to worry about the agony of bleach!!