Prozac Music
I sat down today to make a playlist for you guys to show a bit of what I’ve been listening to this summer…and after I was done I wondered if I should possibly be upping my meds. Because, holy cow, I must be depressed or something!
Or maybe just extremely chilled out. Yup, that’s it.
So below is a list of songs that have been bopping around in my head this summer. Yes, I know some of them are old. And played out. Which is probably why I can’t get them out of my head. And I swear to you, I’m not depressed, but for some reason many of these tunes have a bit of sadness (or in some cases, anger) in them. Maybe I’ll make a happy list next week to prove to everyone that I really am made of rainbows and puppies! Until then, have a BBQ, turn up the speakers, and enjoy!
Some highlights: If you don’t have time to listen to the entire list, at least listen to Stand Up by the Flobots, an incredible band from Denver, and Buildings & Mountains by the Republic Tigers, a local Kansas City band.

I like the play list it is mellow and inspirational with a little rock and maybe even some NPR inspirations..very Megan!