Proof I did more than read Harry Potter this weekend
Not much more, mind you, but I did manage to remove myself from my bedroom long enough to attend my niece and nephews’ last baseball games of the summer. It wasn’t too hot, so I tried to run around and take random pictures. Problem was, I had this little, loud appendage (see: Lucy) running around ignoring everything I said and just repeating “doggie! doggie!” over and over again, making it difficult to get any good shots. Also, my sister’s kids have been expertly trained to stop whatever they are doing when they see a camera, and smile. A big “CHEESE!” smile.
This is my nephew Tyler. He likes dirt. Can you tell?
I caught my niece, Sloan, a bit offguard for this shot. I don’t think she expected to turn around and find a camera up her nose.
This is my nephew, Dylan’s, back. It looks almost identical to Tyler’s back, except it says Dylan. Maybe they should always wear their baseball uniforms…would make life much easier for me.
This is Dylan and Tyler. Or Tyler and Dylan. I’m not sure.
Tyler watching the game intently. Or plotting world domination. Or smelling his hat.
Sloan’s team did a little cheer after the game. I asked my sister if the boys had a team cheer as well, so I could get some shots of that. “No,” she said. “They just run around the bases and get dirty.” Boys.
These are my cousins that were in town from Chicago. The blonde-ness was overwhelming.
“Mom, seriously, you’re so embarrassing. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some dirt to eat.”

I can’t believe Lucy is getting SOOO big!! I don’t want to miss out on anymore!!