So, I meant to write a HUGE, GINORMOUS post by today. I really did. It was going to have beautiful photos and illustrations and unicorns and rainbows would come out of your computer screen and you’d hear angels singing and the snozzberries would taste like snozzberries…but I digress. Instead, I spent most of my evening and night and early morning with my baby girl who has a cough so bad that it makes her puke. Seriously. I might add that this is another thing I wasn’t warned about in child care class. Can I have a refund?
Last night around 6:30 Lu was sitting in a pile of all of her toys right next to our dining room table when she started hacking uncontrollably (as she has been for a day or two). All of a sudden, the hacking turned to hiccuping, turned to gagging turned to puke all over the freaking place. This senario repeated several times throughout the night.
So after lots of clothes washing and sheet changing and cleaning the puke out of my hair, I had to get up and go to work early so I can leave early enough for Trent to get into work. And my normal work day starts at 6 a.m., so you can imagine how early “early” is for me. I’m sure you can also imagine how crabby I am, as I am normally a crab, but lack of sleep adds about a million on my crab-o-meter.
Long story short, no big ole’ post today. But in my sleep deprivited state, this post made me laugh for about 10 minutes straight. An exerpt:
So I swing the door open, grab her before she has a chance to get away, and then walk back into the living room where Leta is still crying and Jon is actively acquiring more Star Bits. And I’m standing there with my parts peeking out the front of this giant coat, a snow-covered puppy wriggling violently in my arms, her poop-scented tongue licking my forehead. Sometimes life is such that it’s too much to ask for them all to sit still so that I can take ten seconds and put on a pair of panties.

Poor poor Lucy, and poor poor Spooner! I hope everyone recovers soon!!!
Love ya!