So, sometimes I’m a very dumb, blond girl. Case in point, last night, after a fabulous dinner of pepperoni and olive calzones (yum!) I was babbling about something or other in the kitchen, turned around, and accidentally knocked a knife off the counter. Right into my toe.
I stabbed myself in the toe with a chopping knife. My really nice chopping/dicing knife I got for Christmas. My knife that is super-duper sharp.
It did not feel good.
Then today I woke up an HOUR late for work (I blame it on the traumatic stabbing), so I hobbled in with no makeup and wet hair. Thankfully I go to work pretty early so no one was around to see me drag myself in. And it’s raining. And my toe is brownish, purplish. And I can’t bend it.

Yeah, speaking from experience here…ha ha you remember this…you probably cut some major nerves and should have gotten stitches. They won’t give you stitches after 8 hours (sad, I know that too). Just make sure you wash it out with alcohol/peroxide and keep it covered.
Poor Spooner!!!
You are a silly blonde girl, at least it happened to you and not Lucy, not that she’s tall enough to reach the counter or anything….just trying to put a mothers perspective on it, not that I’m a mother, but for your sake….nevermind, my brain is fried : (