On Britney
Me: You don’t know, she might have postpartum psychosis or something.
Trent: Whatever, she needs to buck up and take care of her shit.
Me: But she’s just had two kids in a year and a half. That has to totally wreck your mental state. Plus all the chemicals released in her brain. Maybe she can’t control herself, and that’s not her fault.
T: Don’t even compare yourself to her. You are a fantastic mother. She’s a southern whore, and now she’s bald. I already told you, I’m leaving you if you shave your head. And she is a fucking millionaire, she needs to get over it!
Me: So if you have money you can’t be depressed?
T: Not if you have 2 million dollars! Pay someone to fix it! Get therapy!
Me: You’re gonna be in trouble if we have another kid and I lose it.
T: Whatever, I’ll just slap you with my million dollars.

I’m going to have to go with Megan on this one. Something is seriously wrong with her.