I have had this post saved in my que for ages, but just never got around to finishing or posting it. Ironic, as today I myself am heading out for what is sure to be a very sad and emotionally draining funeral. It’s one of those days that you dread, but know you need to make it through, because there are people that are suffering so much and they need your support. So I’m going to get over my issues and go. Because they deserve to have all the support in the world today.
I while back I read this obituary by a solider in Iraq who was writing about his experiences for a Colorado paper. Before he left for war, he wrote his own obituary, and made a friend promise to post it if he was killed. Today, more than ever, this really touches me.
RIP, David. We’ll miss you.

Send your family my condolences, they’re in my thoughts
Megan my prayers are with you all, lots of hugs!!!