
I miss my friends. But when they’re all on Twitter, I feel like we’re all sitting on the couch on Moro Street in Manhattan, Kansas, watching bad soap operas and drinking wine coolers, instead of spread out across the country, leading completely separate lives.

For those of you who think Twitter is a social media platform that’s making people lose “real” relationships, I give you the following Twitter conversations between my best friends, the ladies I feared would drift away due to space and distance. Instead, they are just a tweet away.

Example #1 – Theresa never could spell. Still can’t. And Mara never has a clue what Theresa is talking about. I’ve known Theresa since I was 8-years-old, so I’m usually called upon to translate.

Theresa (@BrooklynTF): Oj box quote “amazing straight from the orange taste” um what isn’t that what ok is?
Mara (@maralynntho): I have no idea what your last tweet is saying…
Megan (@crazybananas): I think she meant OJ when she wrote ok….
Theresa: Mara, I think this funny, thxs, Meg
Mara: Meg, thank you for clarifying Theresa’s post
Theresa: I think Mara should know ‘Theresa’ the offical language of me

Example #2 – Mara has an unhealthy fascination with vampires. And Theresa’s weird.

Mara: Is going to satisfy my vampire addiction with some moonlight
Theresa: ‘vampire addiction’ should be the name of a delish cookie
Mara: A cookie named that sounds like it should have blood in it and that’s just gross!

Example #3 – Mara is Type A, and feels the need to spellcheck IM’s and other forms of messaging. It’s annoying.

Megan: Just started to feel a swollen through and stuffy sinuses. I knew Lu’s sickness was gonna get me. Damnit.
Mara: I assume through means throat?
Megan: Oh goody, I’m sick as a dog and Mara is playing Twitter spellcheck police again. Amusing, as always.
Mara: It’s only because I love you and thank you for making me love vampires like a 13 year old, sarcasm intended
Megan: Oh go eat your vampire cookies and leave me alone;P (Yes, that emoticon is winking AND spitting at you. So what?)

Example #4 – Though Abbie weighs about 90 pounds, she’s always down for a fight when a friend is wronged.

Abbie (@abbienyoung): I’m going to muster up strength from 15 years of playing soccer to kick my friends now ex boyfriend’s balls in to outer space!
Mara: Is going to join Abbie with the ball kicking

Example #5 – Abbie loves bad jokes.

Megan: I’m in a monsoon!
Abbie: Maybe Alabama isn’t that bad – 85 and sunny here. Wait – today I met a lady with two sons named Chevy and Ford. Nevermind.

Example #5 – Missing the old days, soap operas and midgets. Then Theresa goes all PC on us.

Mara: I totally miss Passions
Megan: I tried to explain to Theresa about the midget on that show, and she kept correcting me and calling him a little person.
Mara: That silly Theresa, Timmy was definitely a midget
Theresa: I have been informed but small person is perfered maybe not in this case

Example #6 – When Mara drunk-twitters, she leaves nice messages for her friends. This is very rare.

Mara: Meg, you are pretty, just thought I would share that with you. Abbs, I miss your face and really wish you would move back to reasonable driving range

Oh Twitter, thank you for giving me back my couch time with these ladies, even if there are emoticons involved.



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