My Queue is Better Than Your Queue
Me: Oh, new Netflix movies came today. That one that you asked me to put in the queue is there.
Trent: I actually got a movie?!
[Insinuates that most of the time I manage the queue so the movies we get are always for me…mostly true. Leaves the room to check said movies.]
Trent: Wait, which one is for me?
Me: I dunno, the one that you emailed me and told me to put in there. I don’t know what it’s about.
Trent: So the other two are for you?
Me: Yeah.
Trent: You rented the entire season of Firefly?!?!
Me: So?
Trent: Well, that’s taking your geekiness to a whole new level, babe…actually, I would watch that with you.
Me: Seriously?!
Trent: Sure, you know what it’s about, right? Didn’t they make a movie after the season was over?
Me: Yeah, Serenity. Already seen it.
Trent: Wow. How in the world did you ever start watching this?
Me: Well, it’s made by the same guy who created Buffy the Vampire Slayer! And Dollhouse! And Dr. Horrible! And it stars Captain Hammer!
Trent: There it is….
So funny! I took away Kris’ queue after we got the Electric Light Orchestra LIVE! dvd from mid-1970s (that he didn’t ever watch, by the way). Thankfully he loves documentaries, of which there are plenty On Demand…and I manage the queue. Things just work better that way.