My iPod is Not Lame
A while ago my mother was in town and bought me an iPod. It’s a big ole’ clunker of a device, as it’s a video iPod and needs a big enough screen to view video clips, so it’s not a teeny shuffle or other device that can only be viewed with a microscope. Since my office is an “open office” (read: everyone listens to each other talk on the phone all day) I keep my headphones on a good portion of the time. As do many of my co-workers.
Yesterday someone mentioned it might be a fun idea if we all switched iPods for a day. Get a taste of what everyone else was listening to. Except, of course, no one wants my iPod. They all jumped on the bandwagon of “Megan Listens to Weird Music.” And EVERYONE felt the same.
Now I have as much Justin and Britney on my iPod as the next gal, but I do have some obscure music as well. In general, though, most of it is pretty mainstream. Definitely not uber-alternative. In fact, most hipster-alternative folks would probably think my iPod is crap due to the large number of Dixie Chicks and Bel Biv Devoe tunes.
In short, here is a sampling of the current Top Ten Most Played list on my clunking iPod. There are a few strange, obscure songs, a few Top 40 hits and older music that has been on my computer since freshman year in college when we downloaded everything for free from Napster. Man, do I miss Napster. Free music is good.
Headlock – Imogen Heap (Great beats, crazy video, insane woman…you gotta love that.)
The Luckiest (Live) – Ben Folds (Got this from someone’s wedding video. Cheesy, but very, very sweet.)
Pinch Me – Barenaked Ladies (Reminds me of college and being hungover.)
Attitude – Alient Ant Farm (This song reminds me of Trent, not because he has an attitude, but because he always has random and wonderful taste in music and introduced me to this band way back when.)
Lost Cause – Beck (This song is from Beck’s dark, sad stage and you can just feel dispair in his voice. It used to be on my mix CD called “Rainy Day”)
Rap Song – Black Eyed Peas featuring Wyclef (Back before the Black Eyed Peas became Fergalicious, they were actually a pretty good band.)
Love Burns – Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (This was stolen from a co-worker in college who was a hipster wannabe with really good taste in music. Unfortunately, that good taste did not continue through his wardrobe choices or use of deoderant.)
Good Woman – Cat Power (Same as the last song. I used to listen to this song when I was feeling all angsty about my relationship when I was 20 and it was OH SO COMPLICATED…not like now. Nope, now not complicated at all.)
Tiny Dancer (Live) – Foo Fighters (Great cover based on that scene on the bus from Almost Famous.)
Delirium Trigger – Coheed & Cambria (Sort of recent, I think this is what my co-workers think I’m listening to on repeat every day, as I am such an alternative freak.)

See, now, despite the fact that you listed NO PINKFLOYD or GRATEFUL DEAD or anything else even remotely hippy and therefore awesomely cool, I still think that is a pretty darn good list. It rocks the pants off of justin and brit-freak.