My First Mistake (well…maybe not my first)
Watching Grey’s Anatomy whist carrying a child, therefore causing all normal human emotion to explode out of my ears! Trent bought the first season on DVD and I was so enthralled by Dr. McDreamy and how cute and sweet he used to be back before he screwed Meredith over by choosing his snotty ex-wife over her. I found myself screaming at the TV, don’t do it Meredith! He may love you and may be sweet underneath his husbandly exterior, but he is a waffling idiot who will never make up his mind!
Plus, before all of this Dr. McDreamy crap he had to PAY a cheerleader to date him. And he was related to Candace Bergen. Not sounding so hot anymore, huh?
Who am I kidding, of course he’s still hot. And they just need to be together! And Meredith needs to stop humping GEORGE! WHY IS SHE HUMPING GEORGE! When I was in Vegas, I was very concerned about missing Grey’s, so I attempted to stay awake by taking a lovely bath in a HUGE tub. Staying at the Mandalay Bay does have advantages, even if the tub was made for two and I was only sharing it with my giant, hulking belly. Anyhow, this bath actually put me to sleep and I woke up with the TV on and MEREDITH TAKING OFF GEORGE’S SHIRT! Why! Why!
Crap. What am I going to do tonight if Drew falls and that slutty Stacy wins it all? I may just implode. Or have to turn off the TV.

That’s right, GO TEAM FORMER BOY BAND!!! Drew is defintely my favorite!!! 🙂
I think that you are crazy, that’s it, just crazy. But you wanna know what the one thing I look for in friends is? Well maybe two…craziness and a passion for Grey’s Anatomy. You have passed 🙂
When did this turn in
I am sad because I love George. Poor George.