After last week’s insanity, I’m beginning to think this week will be “The Week With All The Links and Crap From Other Websites.” To continue my theme (or is it an idea, I can never tell) I wanted to give you all a glimpse into the lives of the people whose blogs I’m constantly reading. In the past few weeks, some of my absolute FAVORITE bloggers (Dooce, Girls Gone Child, Finslippy, it goes on and on) have collaborated on a project called “Momversations,” which are videos where one person asks a question, then they all respond to the question via videotape.
Now, I’m a bit of a stalker, so first of all I love hearing the voices of the people I’ve read for so long. Also, I loooovvveee all of their houses. As we’re in the process of “decorating” (ha!), I’m a fan of peeking into other people’s homes and seeing what they have going on. I’ve already stolen one home decorating idea from a wall of one of the ladies featured in the video below.
This week’s Momversation really hit spot on for me, as it’s all about the working mom’s guilt. And since this week we moved Lu to a new school where she cries and kicks and screams every day, begging me not to leave her, the guilt has been laid on pretty thick. Yesterday when I picked her up, her teacher told me Lu just burst into tears around naptime because she missed me. On our way to get her stuff from her cubby, Lu said to me “Mommy, I cry today because I miss you. Were you sad at work because you missed me?” Argh, the guilt is overwhelming….

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