Model Behavior
Check out this little cutie.

This would be Noah, one of the first kids I ever took a photo of besides Lu. Last year, he looked like this:

Gah, so fat and chubby and yummy! Now Noah, like Lucy before him, is all grown up. Well, grown up enough to look way too much like a kid instead of a baby and to make me get all emotional. Also, what’s with the crooked photography? I used to think this was artsy…I think. Anyway, Noah’s wonderful mom asked me to take some two-year photos of big boy Noah, and the kid did such a good job. He was so happy, even though it was way too hot for the end of September, his eye hurt and a giant parade downtown threw off some of our location plans.

Noah’s mom is pregnant with her second little kiddo, and looking at these photos totally makes my ovaries hurt. What was that? Yes, I think that was the sound of Trent heading for Canada.

Just a reminder, no NKOTB tickets for those with buns in the oven…I can’t even say I’m joking!