When I was about 4 or 5 years old, my parents purchased a rickety, old cabin on a lake in rural Kansas. I basically grew up at this place, spending my summers swimming for hours on end, looking for fireflys and lizards to keep as pets, staring at the stars that were so brilliant on those dark nights in the country. This weekend I took my daughter there for the third time in her life, and it was the first time she really enjoyed herself. Watching her beg to stay in the water and play, look for bugs and sit on our boat all wrapped up in towels made me happier then I’ve been in ages. To think that someday she’ll have a head full of memories from that wonderful place…I can’t wait to go again.

I want to go again too!! Thanks for the super fun/relaxing weekend. Althought I never officially got a buzz (lake requirement) I still had a wonderful time.
I also saw those creapy lizards and I’m glad I wasn’t your cabin buddy back when you liked to keep them as pets!