Meet the Candidates

Nobama vs. McRage, 2008. Are you ready?
And no, I’m not talking about the big day next Tuesday, I’m talking about a blog post that will BLOW. YOUR. MIND. Next Monday, we will debut a post almost one month in the making, when Abbie (conservative, Sarah Palin loving lady) and Megan (me, the liberal one, quite possibly a socialist….don’t tell) will participate in the ultimate blogging throwdown. Abbie will be writing as her alter-ego Barack “Nobama” while Megan will star as John “McRage” McCain. Let’s get ready to RUUUMMMMBBBBBLLLLEEEE!!!!!!
In all honesty, the idea to do this post came from all the negative energy that has been directed to both of Abbie and myself because of our political beliefs. And, although we’re both very serious about this election, we decided we needed some laughs. Abbie will be writing from Obama’s point of view, and I’ll be writing from McCain’s….should be interesting.
So, in preparation for this ultimate blogging champtionship, here is some information about the writers. Choose sides wisely, people.
Abbie (aka Nobama) is a young mother living in Alabama, though she isn’t Southern. Somehow, despite the fact she’s from one of the reddest states in the Nation and now lives in the South, all of her friends are left wing liberals. And we’ve all been pondering how the heck that happened ever since the first debate of the election season last winter. Abbie knows how to drive a stick shift, and has choreographed dance routines for Britney Spears. Not really, but she has done a mean dance rendition of Spears’ hit, Toxic, at several drinking establishments in her hometown of Manhattan, Kansas. Abbie is a lifetime conservative and has a Sarah Palin button on her Facebook page. She is a big fan of Fox News, and she may have an unnatural crush on Shepherd Smith. Abbie loves cheesebread, the Kansas State Wildcats and rap music circa 1999.
Megan (aka McRage) is the author of this here website. If you’re reading this, then you probably know who she is, but here’s a little bio anyway, as she is a bit vain and likes to talk about herself. Megan lives in the suburbs of Kansas City and is very excited to be voting in a swing state this election. She’s a liberal, hipster, asshole according to most friends and co-workers. Though she is 26-years-old, she is regularly mistaken for 13, as she can be found most Friday nights either a.) Reading the Twilight series, b.) Reading Harry Potter, c.) Watching made for TV Disney movies or d.) All of the above. Megan was a Hilary supporter until this summer, when she realized she had no chance and moved on to support Obama. She likes the liberal media because they usually agree with her. Megan enjoys long walks on the beach, Justin Timberlake and Diet Dr. Pepper.
Be sure to tune in next Monday for the Ultimate Blogging Throwdown!

I can’t wait!!
Monday should definitely me interesting! I’ve already had a sneak peak of Nobama’s post and can’t wait to see McRage : )
I just love that you guys are campaigning somewhere in Europe 🙂
I love this dialogue MORE PLEASE!
Oh my dear lordy.
My little heart is all a twitter for what shall be unveiled. 🙂
Let’s be honest – I don’t really have a crush on Shep – I’m more the Megyn Kelly type!
OK, I have to draw the line somewhere. Anyone who takes the name Megan and inserts a random Y deserves to be shipped to Guantanamo. Terrorism, indeed.