Mara’s Corner (because she needs her own site)
This new addition to crazybananas dot com is just for Mara so she’ll stop leaving three-page comments that have nothing to do with the post they are linked to, like she did here and here and here.
Update…Scott is talking to me, so the situation has only been slightly damaged. I can’t decide if it is worse to have a good friend not talking to me or to have my ex not talking to me, because it seems that I can’t be okay with both brothers at the same time. Jealousy is a funny thing. I went home with the intention of having some drama happen to make my life seem a little better, but avoided a situation that would have been the most uncomfortably awesome situation in the whole world in order to make it an even night. All I know is that someone needs to invent a breathalyzer for cell phones, it would make my life a lot easier, I have fixed the situation a little by deciding not to have numbers in my phone book that could eventually have severe consequences on my social life if called while too drunk. Problem number one however is that I am a human phone book and numbers, especially ones that I used to dial multiple times on a daily basis are stuck in the old brain. SOOOO…we will see how this experiment goes the next time I decide to go home and want to hang out with Scott. ANYWAYS…off to work.
Oh, snap.
Is someone annoyed? Well, if I could ever get a hold of SOMEONE on the telephone I probably wouldn’t feel that I had to leave the eight page posts, but they are fun. AND I don’t ever really get to talk to Mikayla, so she gets updated too! And she has said she enjoys them…so poo on you!
Ah yes. Amen. Mara, would you like me to create your own blog… ?? I can do this for you becuase I love you. Baby.
Is this kind of stuff hard to do, I’m sure that you figured out that I am not the least bit good at computer junk. I just have a feeling that if I actually start one of my own that it will be crap and actually all I do is talk about crap anyways….my life sucks….nap time! I have decided to sleep until nip/tuck and then sleep some more, even though I have two chapters to read for my class tomorrow…who cares… 🙂
Just so everyone is aware, I have become a victim of facebook and may burst into tears at any second. I think it’s going to be too overwhelming for me to continue, but I guess I’ll try.“>Facebook me!
please check it out and let me know how to spiff it up a little. I may have put the link on there wrong, but that’s because I’m retarded. 🙂