Lucy Rocks Playlist
If you’re a parent, you probably spend a good amount of your time listening to crap. Or the Teletubbies. Which, in fact, are also crap. And frightening. Have you noticed how their butts shake when they dance? Disturbing.
A big goal for Trent and I in 2008 was to come up with a CD or playlist of kids songs that didn’t necessarily make us want to rip our hair out and pour rubbing alcohol on our scalps. And let me tell you, that’s nearly impossible. The kids music out there is so horrible. And full of creepy Australian guys in turtlenecks who hang out with dinosaurs. And it doesn’t help that, in true American girl fashion, our daughter immediately turns into a smiling zombie whenever she sees or hears a Disney princess across the room. Crap.
After many weeks hours minutes searching for the perfect songs, we came up with a list that probably won’t make your eyes bleed. I wish we could have just bought this CD, but it seems to be sold out in the USA. Damn Euros stealing all of the hip kids music. It’s like they want our kids to be dorks.
*Most links lead to playable or YouTube versions of the songs. I recommend testing them out, as my taste is seriously questionable. If you like the list, and are a iTunes user, check out the playlist at the end of the post for the songs, all of which are available on iTunes.*
Mahna Mahna – Cake – Just try and get this one out of your head. Impossible, I swear.
La La La La Lemon – Bare Naked Ladies – This is what made this CD for Lucy. She officially requested “Laaaa laaaa” every time we get into the car.
The Sharing Song – Jack Johnson – I love this song because I don’t notice how cheesy it is until after I’ve been singing along for 2 minutes. Jack just does that to you.
Itsy Bitsy Spider – OAR – A version of a classic that makes you want to go out on a beach and get a margarita. Preferable with a lime.
The Rainbow Connection – Sarah McLaughlin – Sweet, very girly. May not be the best choice for those of you with boys. Actually, this is the song Lucy always asks to skip. But I like it.
All Around the Kitchen – Dan Zanes – Oh Lord, Dan Zanes. Get yourself and your crazy haircut out of my head!
They’ve Got to be Clean – Guster – Lu likes to sing along with this one. A lot of “ahhhhhh, ahhhhhhs.”
The Other Day I Met a Bear – Bare Naked Ladies – “Bear? Bear! Bear!” Nuf said.
Hot Dog – They Might Be Giants – Yes, it’s annoying. But bearable. Sort of.
Have a Little Fun with Me – Glenn Phillips – This one’s just sweet.
The Hoppity Song – John Ondrasik – This is another Lu favorite. She especially likes the part where you get to scream “HI!” at the top of your lungs.
The Hokey Pokey – Dan Zanes and Father Goose – The Hokey Pokey with a jazzy twist.
Clap Your Hands – They Might Be Giants – Another TMBG classic. Short and to the point. That’s how I like it.
Skip to My Lou – Elizabeth Mitchell – A sweet song that reminds me of my Lu.
Alphabet of Nations – They Might Be Giants – This song just makes me feel smarter.
Under the Sea – The Little Mermaid – Added for nostalgia…not necessarily for Lulu.
Meow Meow Lullaby – Nada Surf – This is the part of the CD where we wind down with some slower numbers. Great for bedtime.
3 is the Magic Number – Elizabeth Mitchell – I wanted the original, but it wasn’t available on iTunes and I didn’t have time to search the whole Internet. So this one will do.
Lullaby – Jack Johnson and Matt Costa – Oh Jack, I love it.
Goodnight Children Everywhere – Sixpence None the Richer – Just trippy enough for bedtime.
The Good Night Waltz – Dan Zanes – Almost asleep…
You are my Sunshine – Elizabeth Mitchell – Good afternoon, good evening and good night!

Now now, let’s not go teletubbie bashing! They really do grow on you… 🙂
Best wishes for your first day at the new (old) job!