Lucky Girl
You know you’re a happy girl when you return home after eating massive amounts of cheese and feeling so constipated your stomach may just explode and to top it all off you’re rather hungover and your boyfriend tucks you into a warm bed, turns on Family Guy and rubs your back until you fall asleep. And then, when you wake up late and are freaking out trying to get to work on time, you find your keys with a note taped on them that says, “I love you.”
Lucky, lucky girl.
Word, pimping ain’t easy. I gotz the ho’s locked down with mad playa skillz. Ya give a little, you get yours. Ya heard foo. Shout out to my bitches in the 785. (hi mom)
Are you serious?! I write something nice about you and you respond with this?! How am I ever going to convince the world that you’re a sweet guy who just likes to act like a badass. And what’s with the ebonics?
Yes, sweety. I agree I’m a duche bag… You can delete this comment using the Administration feature . I’m sorry.
It’s OK, I saw what Heath wrote about you after reading this and now I know why you act so macho! Trent is a big strong man who will smack a ho if she gives him any lip! Is that better pumpkin?