Love Letter

Dear Friends,

It’s been a week since we all came together to reveal in the joy that is NKOTB 20 years past their prime. And I have a few words for each of you.


I will miss you, Theresa. You of the biggest smile on the planet and the happiest demeanor. Thank you for bringing me organic, New York, hipster cold medication and for buying Lucy a coloring book that made my house smell like grapes for days. And also, thank you for wearing the same shoes as me, even though yours are more authentic and hispter and mine are from the Gap. You made me feel cool, if only for a moment.


Now, if I could only pull off skinny jeans.


Thank you to Abbie, especially for helping me torment Mara. Our tag-teaming has been much missed during your absense. As are your many knock knock jokes.


Also, thank you for always dancing with me when no one else will.


And for humoring me every single time I claim I can breakdance. I miss you so much already, even though you just left yesterday.


Amber, I won’t write anything since I know you hate the internet. But I love you, internet-phobia and all. You always look so pretty in drunk pictures, which I must tell you, is slightly annoying when I’m sweating up the premisis.


Mara + Me

Mara, I’d miss you if I wasn’t seeing you Friday. We shall wear our Edward Cullen t-shirts, squeel like 9th graders, and cry when we realize that three very important people aren’t with us. Boo.

Love, your best friend and lonely comrade,

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3 replies
  1. The Mara
    The Mara says:

    You make me cry! It doesn’t help that I’m an emotional mess anyway, but seriously, it’s sad that we aren’t all together. But at least we will always have NKOTB : )


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