Look for the Helpers
Like many of us, I watched the events in Paris this weekend with a heavy heart. I am so saddened by the anger and hate in the world, and the fear that would lead people to murder each other. Fear is what feeds the darkness…anger, hatred, injustice and prejudice are all secondary to one basic human emotion. Fear. When we give in to fear, when we begin to hate each other and retaliate without mercy, the darkness grows. All of the stories I have read from people who were directly involved in the Paris attacks reiterates this idea, in the same way the stories of 9/11 did. In their last breaths, people didn’t cry out in anger, but in love. They thought of their loved ones and whispered their names. They called their families and friends with messages of love. In order to properly honor those that were lost, I believe the only course of action is to move forward with love.
If you’re sitting on Facebook or Twitter, posting angry messages about refugees (who are fleeing the same people who committed the atrocities in Paris…so why we wouldn’t take them in is totally beyond me), maybe take a breath and try to turn your anger into something positive. Do something. Anything. Just stop complaining. If you’re feeling helpless, sad and not sure what to do next, I put together a list of ways you can do something RIGHT NOW to help the world be a better place. Imagine our world if everyone stopped using their platforms to spread vitriol. Imagine the good we could do. It’s a beautiful thing.
Donate to the Momastary Love Flash Mob, which benefits midwives working with refugee families in Berlin. Pregnant women and their children are living in tents in the cold, with nothing but the clothes on their backs.
Donate to Doctors Without Borders.
Donate to UNICEF, which is providing vaccines, clothing, shelter and more to refugee children.
Donate blood at your local community blood center. (Click here for Kansas City)
Give someone a hug.
Donate to the French Red Cross.
There was a suicide bombing in a suburb of Beirut this weekend as well, which killed 42 people. Donate to the Lebanese Red Cross here.
Volunteer at Big Brothers Big Sisters, and help a child who needs a stable adult in their life. This one is near and dear to me. (Click here for Kansas City)
Choose a charity and donate something. Your time, your money, whatever. Everything helps.

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