On Being Blunt

Yesterday I was at the drugstore purchasing some much needed pharmacuetical accessories, when I decided to pick up a tube of lip color. Okay, I know it seems like I’ve been talking about make-up a bit more than normal lately (especially since I don’t believe I ever wrote about make-up before last week), but this is going somewhere. I needed something that will stay on all day, as I hate touching up my makeup and HAAAATTTTTEEE leaving lipstick/gloss stains on a glass when I’m out with a client. Blech.

I purchased this stuff, which was recommended to me via Mighty Goods. I went back and forth on what color to get, as I’m a bit of a pansy and I don’t believe I’ve ever worn red lipstick in my life. I’m all about chapstick and clear gloss, but it’s Fall and I painted my kitchen orange and I’m feeling risky, so I bought a color called Wine. It’s super red, like Gwen Stefani red or Christina Aguilera red. Red.

I put it on this morning while Lu sat beside me in the bathroom, attempting to secretly eat her tube of kids’ toothpaste. When Trent heard her yelling after I refused to let her eat said toothpaste, he came in to see what all the fuss was about. He looked at me, cocked his head to the side and said, “That lipstick is way too dark.”

Ouch, that one stung a bit at six o’clock in the morning. And I thought it looked so cute!

He followed that up with, “I mean, you look like the Joker. The latest one. The one that died.”

Charmed, I’m sure.

So, I’m leaving it up to you, dear readers. Is this too red? Scary? A bit like an evil comic book villian?

Red Lipstick

And yes, I do realize I need a haircut. But other than that, I’m probably the best candidate for America’s Next Top Model. I am just so darn gorgeous! And modest.

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5 replies
  1. Inger
    Inger says:

    I like it! I think it would cute for going out, but maybe too much for like a 9am meeting with the boss…

    You’re hot no matter what babe, don’t stress it.

  2. Theresa
    Theresa says:

    Hmmm maybe more brown or green eyeshadow(aka I do not know)…this department is not my field so I will turn to someone who wears red lipstick. Mandy says “Rock it”

  3. Lane
    Lane says:

    I like the red, but I’m not sure it’s the right red for your coloring. Also, I think some gloss on your lower lip would be pretty.


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