Lack of Anything Productive to Say
I am in love. Again.
This baby is the coolest kid on the planet. Even at 5 a.m. when she yells for me to FEED HER FOR GOD’S SAKE! she still steals my heart. She looks so much like her father, especially when she’s pooping. Not sure why that is, maybe it’s the intense stare of concentration, but they look like twins when she does that. She looks so little like me I’m not even sure she’s mine, except for her giant feet. They give her away.
Anyway, I promise I will attempt to begin writing more frequently again soon. I know I’ve been promising that for the past 10 months, but it’s been a bit hectic around here. And then there are those problems with our wireless internet. You’d think with the tech guy and the spawn of the tech guy living in the house, we’d have reliable wireless internet. God’s cruel joke, I suppose.

You have the cutest baby on the planet. I can’t wait to see her. I am sooooo sad I didn’t get to see her like we planned! I will get to see her in less than 25 days! Miss you tons!
The most productive thing you can talk about is how beautiful Lucy is because many haven’t seen her and don’t understand that you aren’t just being a new mom, but she is the bomb diggity and gorgeous too!