
Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting one adorable little girl. Little Miss Brooke Layne is the baby girl of my friend Hayley, and HOLY COW, this kid is so cute. Hayley asked me to take some newborn photos and I was happy to oblige. Get ready for your heart to explode. Ready? Here we go…


Told ya.

Baby Foot

How’s that heart holding up?

Hat is a bit too big!

The cuteness is totally overwhelming.

Brooke's Hand

Rock fist!

Thumbsucker?  I like it:)

She’s already rooting around for her thumb…reminds me of another newborn I once knew (ahem, Miss Lu). Hayley said she’s going to try to get her to take a pacifier so she won’t be a thumbsucker. I said “HAHAHAHAHA!” and good luck.


This one is my favorite…SUPERBABY!

OK, now go look at something very non-cute to regulate your system. Maybe pictures of that ugly hairless dog. Or go watch Saw Part Zillion. I’ll be busy begging Trent for another baby.

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