Today I had an interview with a great company. It’s a company I would love to work for, but I fear I’m grossly underqualified for their open position. I can count two times in the interview when they asked me if I’d ever done a certain task and I had to say no, followed by an awkward silence. They are a pretty progressive bunch, though. They spent a good part of my interview drawing out a sketch of a helium ballon that they intend to use if their company goes worldwide, instead of purchasing a corporate jet. I definitely fit in, humor-wise. So when one of the head honchos asked me to send in some writings from this (to them) unnammed site to show my “creative writing skills” I thought he was kidding. He wasn’t.
Now I have to go through this site and try to find posts that aren’t too graphic or where I don’t use the F-word.
I guess this one’s out.

Congrats on the interview! I’m sure you did better than expected. Can’t wait to hear how it went. Good luck!
this one makes me laugh:
Sorry I’ve been a bad friend lately! I hope the interview went well and let me know the outcome. Also, give me info on Lucy’s baptizing, I would LOVE to come!! : ) LOVE YOU!