In the Meantime….
Wow, friends, this has been a massive blog hiatus! But I promise, it was totally unplanned. You see, my 30 Days of Summer Photo Challenge launched at the beginning of June, and while I am so excited about all the participants (more than double what I anticipated when I started planning for this project), it’s taken up more of my time than I’d originally allotted. Paired with the fact that it’s SUMMER now, the kids are home from school, and I’m getting into my busy season for client photography, I haven’t had time to blog.
Now, listen…I know, okay! I’ve taught classes on blogging to photographers and entrepreneurs, and one of the first things I say is that in order to making blogging work, you have to make it a priority. But to be honest…right now it’s just not a priority. And that’s okay too! As a blogger, you’ll go through ebbs and flows in terms of your time, priorities and business. I’m excited to share a few of my latest photo sessions with you in the upcoming weeks, as the 30 Days of Summer Challenge winds down. I also have some fun personal posts to share (We went on a roadtrip! We had dance camp and theater camp! We got a KITTEN!).
Until then, make sure you’re following me on Instagram to get daily updates on both the challenge and life in general! I’ve have a ton of people contacting me because they wanted to join the 30 Day Challenge, but missed the sign ups. The best way to make sure you don’t miss out next time (next time?!) is to sign up for the newsletter and get all of my updates delivered directly to your inbox! Hope you’re all having a fantastic summer!

I am so glad you’re hosting and focusing on the photo challenge! I know your blog will be back and no worries about your little hiatus on here!
Thanks for the virtual hi five! We can’t do it all, all the time, you know?!