In the meantime
It feels so strange to be writing something for this site, knowing I now have a new president. Throughout the last few months, I was told by many people, those who agree and disagree with me, to not take the whole political process so personally. To not let it affect my daily life. To know that all I can do is vote and then move on, and whoever wins, wins.
After Tuesday, I couldn’t disagree with that more. This process was very personal to me. Deciding who will lead my country in to the future is an important decision. Choosing the person who will pave the way for my daughter’s generation…yup, that’s personal to me. Realizing that the first president she’ll remember is Barack Obama…so very personal.
So to all of you who read this site the last few weeks (months) and had to deal with my political rants, I commend you. I can’t apologize for it, because I am surely not sorry. It’s not the first time I’ve disagreed with readers and it won’t be the last. Just know I have the utmost respect for anyone who participated in the electoral process. Everyone who wrote about a candidate, knocked on doors, made phone calls, donated funds, voted, attended rallies and put a sign in their yard. No matter whose side you were on, now is the time for all of us to come together as Americans and forge a new future for our kids, nieces, nephews and selves.
OK, I’m done for a while, I promise.
Want to see something fun!? Me too. Throughout all of this election madness, I completely forgot to write about Halloween! This year Lu decided to be a Carebear, as she is a bit obsessed with them, despite the fact that they creep me out. She was the one with the rainbow on it’s tummy, and I spent half the night explaining to people that I had no idea which bear she was, I just know she’s the one with the rainbow on her tummy. (OK, I just looked it up, apparently she’s Cheer Bear. Thank God for wikipedia.)

We went to my sister’s house, as I figured Lucy would do better trick or treating if she was with her cousins. My niece, Sloan, has complete control over Lu, as Lu idolizes her, so it worked out well. Sloan was a zombie cheerleader, which made me happy because I could tell my sister didn’t love it. It cracks me up when kids start disagreeing with parents, although I’m sure that will come back and bite me in the ass in a couple of years.

I dressed up as Darth Vader, as the mask was $4.99 and I was “required” to wear a costume to work. Turns out my nephews where two characters from Star Wars as well, we made quite the group.

Here’s a video of part of the night. Trent noted while watching this that Lucy seems to have my sense of balance. True, but at least she’ll always know how to get back up.
Halloween 2008 from Megan on Vimeo.
And when she gets back up, she knows there’s a fun size package of M&M’s in it for her. Like mother, like daughter.
{And yes, I know my giant butt is what the video froze on as a starting icon. I blame Trent. And apologize to you.}

1. Lucy is so freaking adorable as a carebear!
2. Sloan looks amazing and I could imagine that being hard for Beth : )
3. I can’t believe how big the triplets are! It’s been forever since I’ve seen them!
4. Rock Chalk President Barack! Just thought I’d throw that in there : )
I have a carebear for Lu (ditto on the adorable thing btw…) – Raquelle is scared of it after we were playing Dora and it was the Grumpy Old Troll. I used to love them tho!
I will be heading to IKEA in the next few days – promise!