I. Am. Overwhelmed.
And I’m taking the day off from blogging. Be back tomorrow.
In a few decades, I’ll tell Lucy’s children about this night. I cannot describe the feeling, calling my sister tonight. The registered Republican, who voted for Obama. I didn’t know until 3 p.m. today. My heart is so full.
My niece and nephews that went to bed upset because they thought Obama would lose. I had no idea they even knew who he was.
My daughter. My beautiful daughter. I am overwhelmed. I have no words.
It’s our turn now, the next generation of Americans. We can change the world. We can sound a resounding NO! to those who want to bring us down. We will bring this country together.

Beautiful post! It is such an overwhelming victory for so many people! I wish we could have been together to celebrate!
I agree with Mara xoxo!