How to Parent – Part 2
I started a new job this week. You probably already knew this, but it needs to be reiterated before I tell the following story. I started a new job that is basically 3 steps above the job I was at previously in terms of responsiblity. On top of all of the extra responsibility, it’s a small office, so I don’t really have anyone to help me. Now, there are most definitely perks to this setup, as I would much rather just work instead of having someone breathing down my neck constantly, but it is absolutely more stressful than my last job. So when I’ve been getting home at night, I’ve been so exhausted that I just make a quick microwave Gerber meal for Lu and we plop down on the couch and stare mindlessly at the TV until bedtime. Of course, there is simultaneous coloring, reading, singing and dancing by the child, but I’m mostly a vegetable.
So what happened this morning shouldn’t be a big surprise. But man, it made me feel like total crap.
I’m sitting at my office when my cell rings. It’s Trent.
“Hi, what’s up.”
“Nothing, just working”
“Well, I have two things. First, Lucy has no socks in her sock drawer.”
“I know, they’re all downstairs by the dryer. They’re clean though.”
“OK, and also, when I went in to get Lucy this morning she was all wet and the bed was soaked.”
“Yeah, so I took off her PJs…and…honey, she didn’t have a diaper on.”
“Shit. Really?”
“You’re never going to let me forget this, are you?”
“Nope. Never”

I love you, mama. We’ve all been there, done that. It’s n ot you, trust me! 🙂