We’re back in KC. And the NYC plus the dirty Jerz really took us for a trip! Lu is sick, Trent is a grump and I am just plain exhausted. But it was totally worth it as the wedding was phenomenal and I got to spend the weekend with the lovely Scott and Erin. And yes, Scott is very lovely. And fairly furry, just like his baby brother.
I’ll post some pictures after I have 8 or 80 hours of sleep. Until then, just revel in the fact that I was able to cross two items off my 100 Things list. Yay me! And also, yay alcohol, apparently.
47. Drink wine in Central Park
92. Drink a fancy cocktail on the roof of an apartment building in NYC – OK, so it was champagne. And, technically, it was the roof of a church. But it still counts. Because I make the rules around here!

yay!! glad to see you guys had a good weekend 🙂 We missed you guys! (even though we were out of town too…)
I am happy to be a part of goals made:)