Holiday Hangover
Sorry for the lack of posts the last few days, but as many of you probably had this week off, odds are high you didn’t check the page anyway, so really, no one is losing here. I have spent the last few days attempting to recover from the evil illness that infected both Lucy and I during the holiday weekend. While I was home we took tons of pictures, despite Lucy’s anti-merry demeanor. The first of which I’ve posted on Flickr, but here are some others from my night out with fellow mommy and MHS grad, Inger and Shawna, another MHS survivor. This was the first night in Manhattan, so I was obviously refreshed enough to make silly faces at the camera. By the end of the week, I couldn’t seem to muster a silly face for the camera. Maybe a seething, scrouge face…
Yes, Inger, you made the website.
Yay! Thanx, babe.
That was the best “birthday” ever! I think more moms could use nights like that…