Hating Kansas
This is my hometown, about 3 hours from where I live now. My dad lives there. My husband’s parents live there. My Not-Pregnant Friend Abbie lives there with her husband and new baby. Many, many of my friends’ families live there.
As far as I know, everyone is OK, but Jesus, this is scary. It damaged many buildings on campus, where my dad lives, and dozens of homes were damaged and/or destroyed. Businesses were crushed. When you grow up in the midwest, you aren’t too afraid of big storms or tornadoes because they happen all the time and usually don’t hurt anyone or anything. But when it does, it shakes your whole self to the core.
[Thanks to Inger for sending me the video link]

I said it before, but I just got put this out there again – does anyone else find it ironic that the wind erosion lab was destroyed by the tornado? Or find it scary that the building housing the nuclear reactor was also damaged?
How scary. I’m so glad that everyone was ok though.