Happy Weekend!
Hey, hey, it’s Friday! It’s the end of the first week of my new life, and so far, so good. We’re still adjusting, but I have a good feeling that this is the best move I’ve ever made. This weekend will be a busy one, full of shopping, holiday parties and the start of Hanukkah. Last year Lucy requested we celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah, since she had friends who do both, and we decided we didn’t have a good argument why we shouldn’t. I mean, we’re not technically Christians, and yet we find ourselves with a tree in our house covered in lights, so why couldn’t we add a menorah to the mix. We are doing our best to be respectful, have done research on customs and ceremonies, and plan on using this as a teaching tool for Lulu. While I was raised Catholic, my school and family always highlighted the importance of Judiasm to our religion, and I studied Abrahamic religions in college, so I’m hoping we can keep things kosher (Get it? I’m hilarious.).
I hope your weekend is full of fun as well! Here are some links from around the web to help entertain you in those quiet moments:
Chocolate chip Nutella candy cane cookies. That is all.
I posted on Twitter about spinning around in my office chair and dancing on my first day home. Here’s the playlist that set it all off. Let’s dance.
One of my favorite bands, The Rosebuds, has a holiday album out! You should probably buy it.
Jimmy Fallon, the Roots and Mariah Carey remaking a holiday classic using only children’s instruments. Sounds awful, is, in fact, amazing.
Jay Z rides the subway, adorably explains who he is to an old lady.
I want to make a Feel Good Jar. Sometimes you need a reminder of all the little goods in your life.
I wrote a post on Sweet Lemon Magazine’s Zesty Digest on giving up and how doing it can make everything brighter.
Finally, I was lucky enough to do a super fun photoshoot last week for some new projects we have coming up on this here blog. I will share more soon, but I wanted to post this particular photo, because it conveys exactly how I’m feeling right now. And a lot of that is because of you. Thanks for making life so damn fun! (Photo by the insanely talented Christina Gepner)
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