Back before they could say, “Aunt Megan, you’re 22! That’s REALLY OLD. Are you older than Grandma?” 21:31:272005-09-12 21:31:27Happy Birthday to you and you and you!
The Mara says:
Hello there weblog! I just wanted to talk about how great of a pleasure it is to hang out with those three adorable children! Please tell them happy birthday, and if I were made of money I would have bought them a gift. But since I have technically known their aunt longer I must save my money on a gift for her…bringing up the point, you will soon be 23, that’s WAY old! What do you want!?!? I know all the norms, give me something that I can work with! Remember, poor, college student, with very little brain cells left for being creative (astronomy has taken over my brain!) My throat hurts and I am extremely tired. I hate geography and astronomy. Sad part is that I should go into his office hours today, but I am totally unprepared because I didn’t study at all last night because I felt like shit and watched Laguna Beach and then decided that it really doesn’t make that much sense to me anyways, especially if I feel crappy. ANYWAYS…I’m sitting in the computer lab of the Union, trying to waste time until my 2:30 class, I guess I should look over astronomy. Well I had better go then, his office hours are at 1:30 and I should have at least tried to do some of the problems. **KISSES**
Hello there weblog! I just wanted to talk about how great of a pleasure it is to hang out with those three adorable children! Please tell them happy birthday, and if I were made of money I would have bought them a gift. But since I have technically known their aunt longer I must save my money on a gift for her…bringing up the point, you will soon be 23, that’s WAY old! What do you want!?!? I know all the norms, give me something that I can work with! Remember, poor, college student, with very little brain cells left for being creative (astronomy has taken over my brain!) My throat hurts and I am extremely tired. I hate geography and astronomy. Sad part is that I should go into his office hours today, but I am totally unprepared because I didn’t study at all last night because I felt like shit and watched Laguna Beach and then decided that it really doesn’t make that much sense to me anyways, especially if I feel crappy. ANYWAYS…I’m sitting in the computer lab of the Union, trying to waste time until my 2:30 class, I guess I should look over astronomy. Well I had better go then, his office hours are at 1:30 and I should have at least tried to do some of the problems. **KISSES**