Gleeking Out!
Oh. Em. Jee.
Glee is back, tonight at 8:28 central on Fox. I may be squeeing with excitement. Just a little. Not too much.
One of the best parts about watching Glee is doing it with friends, and tonight will be no different. We’re watching on Mikayla’s big screen out in the boonies of Missouri. Why? Well, because last time we all got together, poor pregnant Mikayla had to go on a beer run for us, so we owe her. Also, she is the only member of the KC Gleeks that was actually in a show choir in high school. And she has video tapes of her performances. Which we will be watching during the pre-game. Yes, I am comparing this to the Super Bowl. Hell, it is my Super Bowl. I even made snacks.
Oh, one more thing.

What a night, I’m sure we’ll never forget!